Introducing the Carbon Initiative with IWA Water Loss Specialist Group
Published on: 12 Feb 2025
Read moreIt's #TechnicalTuesday so Andrew McArthur, Technical Director of our Management Consulting team, is considering the future of asset management - is circularity the way forward?
It is often said that 60-70% of an organisation’s whole life costs are committed at the concept and design stage. This traditional view of asset management practice presupposes a linear model of take-make-waste (or recycle), but what if there was no ‘end-of-asset-life’, only a new-asset-beginning?
Consider, then, a circular model that at its heart is regenerative and helps maintain and build economic, social and natural capital; a closed loop that requires fewer new natural resources, produces little to no waste and supports sustainable economic growth. This raises many questions for the asset management community, not least in how we then define ‘whole-life’ or consider the business model changes required to enable made-to-be-made-again products or services. So, what can we do, as asset managers, to drive forward and evolve asset management practices so that they better enable circular thinking?