Metal speciation: classification at its finest

Claudia Peppicelli is a Resource Recovery Consultant in our Waste & Resources team

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It's #TechnicalTuesday and #teamWRc's Claudia Peppicelli is talking about metal speciation: classification at its finest...

Industrial waste streams are often composed of a complex mix of minerals and amorphous materials - for instance, thermal treatment residues such as incinerator bottom ash or boiler ash. Metals may be present in wastes as many compounds (species) such as oxides, carbonates or as elemental metal. Some compounds are hazardous above specific limit values, some are not.

The correct selection of the appropriate chemical compounds contained into the waste stream is essential for a WM3 assessment (the Technical Guidance document on waste classification) and makes the difference between a non-hazardous or hazardous classification.

The incorrect choice of compounds to be used in a hazardous property assessment could result in an incorrect waste classification. We use metal speciation techniques to identify and quantify relevant compounds. Our toolbox includes sequential chemical extractions, modelling and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) to help our clients avoid misclassification.

Learn more about the Waste Doctors' speciation and classification work here.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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Claudia Peppicelli

Resource Recovery Consultant

Claudia is an Environmental Engineer within WRc’s Waste and Resources team. Claudia was an Environment Officer for Natural Resource Wales (2018/19) in the waste and industry team. Since joining WRc in 2019, she has used this background to support the waste industry to understand the chemistry of complex national waste streams, being a key member of the technical team working on projects for trade associations and the Environment Agency including the presence of persistent organic pollutants in cables and plastics from waste electricals and electronics and vehicles.

2022-11-08 10:02:00