Introducing CESWI 8

Published on: 14 Nov 2023

In October 2023, the water industry announced a record £96bn programme of investment for the Asset Management Period #8 (AMP8), which runs from 2025 to 2030. In comparison to the previous five-year period, this represents an 88% increase in investment, one that – if approved by Ofwat - is expected to be strongly focused on improvement and development of civil engineering assets.

The publication of the 8th edition of the Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry (CESWI) is therefore timely as the industry moves towards a period of potentially record-breaking investment and advancement.

The water industry invests millions of pounds a year in assets based on this specification. So, with this being a key time for it to come to the market, we are really excited to see the implementation of CESWI 8’s changes and updates across the water industry.Sarah Homewood – Senior Project Manager

Since its first publication in 1978, CESWI has become the standard document for civil engineering contracts let by the Water Undertakers and Sewerage Undertakers in England, Wales and Scotland.

Previous editions of CESWI were updated every five years or more, making it quickly out of date as the years went by. With this newly developed eighth edition, amendments will be issued on an annual basis to ensure that the Specification remains current throughout its life. These up-to-the-minute amendments will be made available directly, for online versions, through a dedicated and secure website, while amendment sheets will be provided for businesses with the hardcopy version. As in the previous edition, the newly published CESWI 8 is generic in form and not tied to any particular form of contract or method of valuation. The content of the web and print version is identical.

CESWI 8 is a comprehensive, universal and relevant Specification for the UK Water Industry. It is compatible with most nationally produced Engineering Forms of Contract, and remains a valuable foundation document for use throughout the water industry. This new edition has been rewritten to reflect the experience of the UK Water Industry and the contractors since the last edition was published, and includes new standards and working practices, together with new technologies and more sustainable options.

The print version of the 8th edition of the Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry (CESWI) is now available via WRc’s Knowledge Store.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Visit the WRc Knowledge Store 

Purchase your copy of Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry 8th Edition. This is the Specification for use in all civil engineering contracts let by Water Undertakers in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Order CESWI 8
2023-11-14 10:18:00