Waste Doctors reflect on RWM 2022

Published on: 06 Oct 2022

Dr Kathy Lewin is our Director of Waste and Resources

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Our Waste & Resources team recently exhibited at RWM at the NEC Birmingham for the 5th time. The WRc Waste Doctors were on hand to meet existing and new clients and to answer the waste industry’s most pressing questions.

In light of the sad news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II the week before RWM, the careful decision was made by the event organisers to proceed with the event. There was a tribute to Her Majesty, acknowledging our mutual loss and allowing all attendees to pay their respects.

At the WRc stand, white lab coats worn by our team attracted a significant level of interest from passers-by, with the team being put through their paces and having their waste knowledge and technical expertise quizzed and tested. We were pleased to welcome many visitors to the stand over the two days, with a special mention to representatives from CIWM, ESA and Waste Aid.

Conversations with visitors ranged from hot topics such as POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) including PFAS (Perfluoroalkyl & Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) in waste plastics, WEEE and soft furnishings, to our deep expertise in ash and ash recycling and End of Waste assessment and determination. Some of the questions raised related to contaminated eggs disposal, flat screen TV disposal, and waste concerns in the Caribbean and Canada.

Unsurprisingly, plastics were a major focus at this year’s event, so the Waste Doctors were pleased to remove all ‘throwaway’ or ‘freebie’ giveaways for the second year running. They opted instead to fundraise for WasteAid by asking visitors to sign a pledge book and welcomed WasteAid representative Jessica Stickland to the stand to support our efforts. WRc pledged to donate £1.00 for every signature received and matched the total raised, resulting in a £350 donation to WasteAid!

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Specialist waste management and resource recovery

WRc's Waste Doctors deliver bespoke solutions for effective product and waste management, characterisation and classification.

Utilising our specialist in-house laboratories, we highlight 'problem parameters' which may compromise zero waste to landfill and other resource recovery goals.

More on the Waste Doctors

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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Dr Kathy Lewin

Director of Waste & Resources

Kathy has over 30 years’ technical consultancy experience specialising in waste characterisation to support resource recovery, waste classification and environmental risk assessment within the circular economy. She is a Chartered Scientist, Chartered Environmentalist, Chartered Resource and Waste Manager and a member if CIWM’s hazardous waste Special Interest Group.

2022-10-06 14:58:00