Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Northumbrian Water's Innovation Festival 2023

  Event date: 10-13 July 2023

WRc is sponsoring a sprint at this year's Northumbrian Water Innovation Festival. The "Turn the Tide" sprint aims to develop new ways to monitor water quality cost-effectively and sustainably.

Innovation Festival website

Working together to solve global problems

Northumbrian Water’s Innovation Festival is an event which brings together innovators and talent from all different sectors, backgrounds and locations. This years event will be taking place at Newcastle Racecourse from the 10th to 13th of July.

Central to the festival are the sprints, which are dedicated workshops aiming to solve business challenges facing the industry, as well as wider global issues. Using the skills and knowledge of people from all over the globe we work together to produce solutions and viable outcomes - all in five days or less.

The Innovation Festival aligns well with WRc's approach and goals in developing and delivering solutions that move the sectors we work in forwards to a more sustainable future - creating a better tomorrow. We are very excited to be sponsoring a sprint at this year's festival - contributing to the development of new solutions, sharing knowledge with, and learning from others at the event.

WRc's sprint: 'Turn the Tide'

The scale of requirement set by the Environment Act 2021 in monitoring water quality is unprecedented, both in terms of cost and associated future maintenance challenges. To successfully meet the needs, and deliver this through the Water Industry National Environment Programme will require all elements of the supply chain to work seamlessly together. Solutions are needed to identify investment, monitoring technology, ensure the right skills are available for installation, maintenance and data management and that there is acknowledgement of the sources from which water quality can be affected. Wrapped around this there is a need for effective messaging with the public, regulators and other stakeholders.

This is a highly complex and urgent need for the industry and therefore ideal for a Sprint approach. With highly relevant expertise to contribute on the topic, WRc are pleased to be sponsoring 'Turn the Tide' sprint helping to engage the whole industry in finding credible, sustainable solutions to the challenge presented.


The Innovation Festival brings together talent from all different sectors, backgrounds and locations


Sprints aim to tackle tough environmental and social challenges producing solutions in five days or less


The event is an opportunity to learn from experts in different sectors and find new solutions to business problems

Helping solve problems with technical expertise and innovative solutions

Whether you are a multi-national corporate, a regulated utility company, a government department, a contractor or an independent technology developer or supplier our team will work with you to deliver exceptional service and create valued solutions for your needs. 

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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