Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

AquaEnviro Odour Management Conference 2022

Event date: 20 Oct 2022

1-Day Conference & Exhibition

Thursday 20th October 2022

The Studio
Riverside West
Whitehall Road

For more information on this conference, visit the AquaEnviro website below.

Find out more and register
Panel Speaker

David Sivil, Consultant Engineer at WRc

David is a Chartered Chemical Engineer with extensive experience consulting on projects covering water; wastewater and sludge treatment and recycle/ disposal; cost & carbon emission models; and odour management. He has extensive experience of quantifying odour emissions, atmospheric dispersion modelling, optimising odour control system, reviewing odour management plans, EIAs and promoting good practice for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment and sewer networks via WRc's Odour Management User Group.

Featured Thought Leadership article: 'Odour problems and their control at wastewater treatment works'

Please note: this event has been postponed following rail strikes in September and has now been rescheduled to Thursday 20th October 2022.

Practical Experiences of Odour Management

Odours associated with activities such as waste handling, wastewater and sludge treatment are a major cause of complaints from residents to authorities and regulators, representing a challenge for facility operators. This is a great opportunity to network with fellow industry professionals tackling odour problems, share details of case studies and knowledge of the latest developments in odour reduction techniques.

The event, hosted by AquaEnviro, features guest speakers from around the globe and will welcome odour specialists, site managers, and compliance and regulatory officers. WRc's Odour Management specialist, Consultant Engineer David Sivil, will be presenting and participating in a panel debate.

Presentation from WRc: Novel and innovative developments to enhance odour capture by covers

  • Introduction to odour capture measures by covers to contain odorous gaseous emissions prior to treatment.
  • Practical selection criteria for odour covers, including structures, materials and novel technologies, outlined in WRc's Odour Management User Group.
  • Measuring the performance of covers during WRc's collaborative practical research project.
  • The implications of the use of odour covers and the management of explosive atmospheres under the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations (DSEAR).

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Related items

As well as providing Odour Management consultancy services, WRc leads a User Group to facilitate discussion between specialist treatment professionals and encourage best practice and improvement in all aspects of odour management. Find out more below.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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