Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Wet Networks 2022: Water, Public Health and Wellbeing

Event date: 17 Nov 2022

Hosted by Arup and WRc

Thursday 17th November 2022

Arup - In Person and Virtual
80 Charlotte Street

For more information on Wet Networks, please contact Joanna Britton (

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Innovation Presentation Guest Speaker

Dr Nabil Hajji, Technical Director of Toxicology, WRc

Nabil leads WRc’s National Centre for Environmental Toxicology (NCET) technical team, who provide an independent advisory service on the health significance of chemicals in drinking water, wastewater, and the environment for UKWIR members and sponsors. Nabil has over 20 years of experience of research into the molecular mechanisms of toxicants including the behaviour of persistent pollutants, pesticides and heavy metals as well as pharmaceutical chemicals. He has held several competitive research fellow positions in leading research institutions in Spain, Sweden, USA and the UK.

More on our toxicology services

Please note: this Wet Networks event was postponed following extreme heat warnings in July and has now been rescheduled to Thursday 17th November 2022.

After two years of virtual events, we are delighted to host our second in-person and virtual Wet Networks, Chaired by WRc's Director of Commercial Services, Carmen Snowdon.

We all know that proper water and sanitation is essential to public health. However, there are additional benefits from proximity to water with many positive measures of physical and mental wellbeing, from its restorative psychological effects to better a place to meet socially.

Now in its fifteenth year, Wet Networks showcases new ideas and technology to help transform the way we manage water.  Join us at our next Wet Networks event, in person at Arup, London or virtually.  The theme will be Water, Public Health and Wellbeing. Hear from our keynote presenter, Patricia O’Hayer, Global Head Communications & Government Affairs at Reckitt about current and future water scarcity impacts on public health.


  • 5:00 pm | Introduction to Wet Networks
  • 5:05 pm | Chair's Introduction (WRc's Carmen Snowdon)
  • 5:15 pm | Keynote Speech from Patricia O’Hayer at Reckitt
  • 5:30 pm | Innovation Presentations featuring WRc's Dr Nabil Hajji
  • 6:30 pm | Chair’s close (WRc's Carmen Snowdon)
  • 6:30 pm | Refreshments
  • 8:00 pm | Event Close

Through the regular hosting of events, Wet Networks are developing a sustainable business ‘eco-system’ that will allow water technology companies to share ideas and business relationship opportunities with leading users, entrepreneurs, vendors, advisors and funders. WRc and Arup hope that our deep and longstanding expertise in the sector, combined with the energy and commitment of the invited companies will make our Wet Networking Series a driver for growth and innovation.

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Innovation through collaboration

We co-convene the Wet Networks series with Arup. The not-for-profit series allows technology companies and entrepreneurs to share ideas and create business relationship opportunities with leading users, entrepreneurs, advisors and funders.

When the time is right we jump at the chance to bring like-minded individuals together to solve challenges.

Our partners

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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