limitations of current valves using pressure and flow data
WRc investigated suitable replacement valves for a UK water company by assessing flow and pressure data, considering demand forecasts to ensure consistent supply to customers.
limitations of current valves using pressure and flow data
a model to simulate the system and highlight weak points
an assessment on potential replacement valves
WRc was engaged by a UK water company who was frequently encountering issues with their pressure reducing valves (PRVs), and one of the valves in their network had completely failed. The company called on WRc to urgently examine the water supply network in the affected zone and advise on a replacement valve.
WRc assessed flow and pressure data to evaluate the suitability of potential pressure reducing valve replacements. The team also created a model to replicate the system and run simulations of the network, highlighting the location of critical pressure points, and showing the impact of using a booster upstream to reduce pressure. A peak day demand model was created to show the impacts of the potential valves on flow and pressure during periods of increased usage.
WRc produced a comprehensive assessment of the two most suitable replacement valves, providing evidence from simulated scenarios and collected data in conjunction with expert knowledge. The report detailed the estimated cost and impact of the most beneficial replacement valve.