Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

NDT ultrasonic inspections completed on a Scottish Water pipeline

Working in partnership with NDT Group, WRc completed five ultrasonic inspection tests on excavated pipes to examine the reason for pipe failures causing significant disruption to Scottish Water customers.

More on our NDT services


both the likely cause of pipeline failure and the appropriate inspection solution from our range of techniques


comprehensive site assessment, wall thickness testing and informative reporting of a 4" pipe at 5 locations 


informed recommendations for our client, and ultimately help their client's client avoid supply disruption

George Leslie Ltd

Civil engineering contractor for Scottish Water, Scotland's publicly-owned Water and Sewerage Company (WaSC) which delivers services to 2.57 million households and over 150,000 business premises via both clean water and wastewater pipe networks upwards of 30,000 miles each.

The Challenge

WRc were engaged by a previous client of our NDT team, George Leslie Ltd, who provide a large amount of pipeline & infrastructure replacement schemes for Scottish Water.

The town of Bo’ness in Scotland had been experiencing a large volume of pipe failures causing disruption to customers who each time experienced no water.

The Solution

After a scope meeting with the Senior Site Agent, it was established that Scottish Water had no historic information of the 4-inch cast iron pipeline that kept failing. Working with our NDT partners NDT Group, WRc advised that finding the remaining wall thickness of the pipeline would provide a good indication of why the pipe was failing.

Technicians and equipment were mobilised to Bo'ness where five areas were highlighted along the pipeline approximately 300 metres apart and trial holes were dug over the main. WRc, alongside NDT Group, cleaned the main at each of the five excavation sites and carried out a wall thickness check at six points per hole using handheld ultrasonic scanners and a low frequency dual probe.

The Outcome

The pipe calculations from each of the five inspections sites were recorded and passed to the appropriate certifying scheme (a PCN Level 3 UT Inspector) for verifications. Our report provided George Leslie Ltd with outcomes & recommendations so that their client, Scottish Water, could make some informative decisions in order to rectify customer disruption.

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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