
Improving the assessment and control of microbial risk across the water cycle for public and environmental health protection

Austen Buck is our expert in Water Microbiology

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Water Quality, Public Health Risk and Compliance

WRc offers experience in the assessment and control of waterborne pathogens, nuisance organisms and indicator organisms across the water cycle. Our clients are both national and international.

We can:

  • Provide expertise on organisms of interest regarding distribution, treatment and risk to human health.
  • Evaluate risk of microbial growth within a distribution system.
  • Assess microbial compliance according to international guidelines or regulations.
  • Recommend control measures to reduce microbial risk.

Check the latest global microbial outbreaks:

Water Safety Planning

The World Health Organization Guidelines for drinking-water quality recommend water safety plans as the most effective way of consistently ensuring the safety and acceptability of a drinking-water supply in developed and developing settings.

Our microbiology team has extensive experience in the development, implementation and management of water safety plans in line with WHO guidance and BS EN 15975-2 and are well versed in all hazards that may impact a water supply system including microbial, physicochemical and aesthetic hazards.

We offer a range of services related to water safety planning and water supply risk assessment and management including regulatory review, desk-based and on-site assessment/audit, policy, process and procedural drafting and review and technical training in all aspects of water safety planning

Learn more about World Health Organization Principles and Practices:

Emerging Challenges

What’s on the horizon regarding regulatory change, emerging disease, and new approaches

Target Identification

How to assess for microbial risk in the water cycle and the assurance of laboratory practices

Risk-based Decisions

How to reduce public health-risk within a water safety plan framework

“Water and sanitation flow through every aspect of sustainable development…. A well managed water cycle is critical to human society and the integrity of the natural environment.”

– United Nations

Microbial matters

See below how our microbiology team have helped clients explore state-of-the-art microbial source tracking techniques and evaluate microbial hazards associated with water re-use.

  • DEFRA Microbial Source Tracking
  • UKWIR Microsheets
  • Water Re-use QMRA

Delivered a project for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to explore the state-of-the-art microbial source tracking methods currently being researched across the globe. We uncovered how these methods may enable greater protection of water sources for the improvement of public and environmental health in the UK.

Deliver expertise in the update and review of the United Kingdom Water Industry Research (UKWIR) microbiological database. The factsheets provide up-to-date information of pathogens and other nuisance organisms within the water supply system, their taxonomy, the presence in source water, their treatment and their potential health impacts if public exposure occurs.

Quantified microbial risk associated with re-using treated wastewater effluent for the irrigation of a golf-course. Treatment targets were developed by following the WHO Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) approach from problem formulation to risk characterisation.

Related Services

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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Austen Buck

Principal Consultant (Microbiology)

Austen has held numerous positions in the water industry over the last 15 years, always with a focus on microbiology and water safety planning. He currently heads up WRc’s Microbiology Team and leads and supports on international and national projects with water suppliers, government departments and regulators regarding microbiological monitoring, risk assessment, management and control, and water safety planning. He holds a PhD in Public Health and Environmental Microbiology and has co-authored publications on virus and bacteriophage removal through membrane bioreactor technologies. Austen is a Chartered Scientist with the British Science Council, a corporate member of the Institute of Water (IWater), and an area committee member and mentor within IWater.