Reliable condition assessment
WRc have broadened our suite of pipeline inspection tools to include other leading platforms such as PipeDiver® and SmartBall® from Pure Technologies (Xylem).
PipeDiver® is a free-swimming, high-resolution pipe inspection tool. Trusted by utilities all over the world, it has been deployed on over 1000km of critical large-diameter inspections.
Not only does it operate while the pipeline remains in service, it is capable of inspecting the condition of over 40km in a single deployment. Inserted and extracted under pressure through a 300mm tapping, PipeDiver can be used in pipe diameters from 300mm - 3000mm.
This inspection technology provides high resolution pipe wall analysis and enables remaining life assessment for metallic and prestressed concrete cylinder pipes (PCCP) mains, as well as wire break detection for PCCP.