STORMPAC™ Rainfall Modelling Tool

UK industry standard rainfall modelling tool to inform water pollution management and sewer networks rehabilitation.

Digital approach to rainfall

STORMPAC™ is a fully supported software package that generates hourly rainfall time series for the UK. Rainfall modelling tools allow the impact of historic and future climate change to be analysed and predicted. Among its varied applications, it provides Urban Pollution Management (UPM) studies with rainfall data to analyse the effect of storms on sewer networks during their rehabilitation design.

Included features

  • Generation of hourly rainfall time series for any location in the UK or Sweden from historical hourly data or location information.
  • Calculations of Catchment Wetness Indexes (UCWI and API 30).
  • Processing of hourly rainfall into a chronological event database.
  • Sorting of events using storm depth, intensity, duration, dry period, UCWI, API30, dry period or bathing season.
  • Disaggregation of hourly rainfall data into 5-minute rainfall intensity values.
  • Outputs in a format suitable for input to HydroWorks, InfoWorks, Rwin or SIMPOL 2.1.

Collecting data for sustainable applications

Our teams have the expertise to apply all the tools – STORMPAC™, InfoWorks and SIMPOL ICM – to assess how environmental standards can be met. WRc provides consultancy on rainfall series and Urban Pollution Management applications for a wide range of customers from the water industry and environmental regulators. Catchment studies include rainfall analysis, wastewater network modelling and assessment against spill frequency or environmental impact standards.

Essential for remote data collection

The stochastic rainfall generator enables STORMPAC™ to produce data for areas where historical rainfall information is unavailable.

Software features to enhance user experience

Time-saving calculations, easy-to-use filters, and compatible export options ensure optimum data generation for various rain and soil profiles.

Detailed support from our dedicated team

Users have access to our free comprehensive guide, as well as full support using the software via our helpdesk subscription service.

Download our free User Guide

See how STORMPAC™ can help your rainfall modelling needs with this detailed guide including full software capabilities, user requirements, a simple worked example, and more.

Download now

Related services

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
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