Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

WRc Academy Training Courses

Our courses cover the basics to the cutting edge via in-person, virtual and hybrid delivery. Purposeful and focused solutions enhance existing employees' expertise and develop new recruits’ knowledge of the water, environment and sustainability sectors.


From our vast knowledge-store, we have hand-picked problem-focused, expert-led modules to support and guide your training, so that you can fill your knowledge gaps and rise to meet today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.

We can also create or customise a course according to your teams' skill level and add any practical cases or content specific to your team or business. If you’re unable to find the exact training solution you need for you and your team, please get in touch.

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Suggested search terms:
  • Sustainability
  • Metering
  • Storm overflows

These categories are a guide only; if you can't find a specific topic or course, ask us about WRc's wide range of cross-sector knowledge and capability - we'll be happy to help find your training solution.

  • Catchment water quality & environmental protection
  • Clean water treatment & supply infrastructure
  • Sewer networks & wastewater treatment
  • Data & digital assets
  • Application of industry standards into practice
  • Project, people & asset management
Delivery method

Please enquire if you are a team looking for a course using a different or combined delivery method, or at your chosen in-person venue.

  • In-person
  • Online (live)
  • Online (self-paced)
  • Software training tool
Knowledge level

These are an indication; please read full descriptions as longer courses may span knowledge levels. Get in touch if you're looking for a specific course at a different level.
training offers an introduction or overview, such as for new starters or management.
learners may be junior staff requiring a more detailed understanding to meet role/ team requirements.
courses provide in-depth technical knowledge transfer.

  • Fundamental
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

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Advancing Recycled Water Management Schemes

This training course provides water industry scientists, engineers and managers with the knowledge of reclaimed water schemes to ensure safe and strategic end-use - how to plan, evaluate and assess successful and compliant schemes; and how to effectively use data and treatment innovations.

Duration: 3 days

Delivery: In-person or Online (live)

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CCTV Sewer Inspection Awareness Training

Delivered by a leading wastewater specialist and experienced trainer, this course develops learners' knowledge of sewer deterioration and use of CCTV condition surveys in sewer rehabilitation planning, as well as the manuals used to identify and code faults in drains and sewers.

Duration: 1 day

Delivery: In-person

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Cost & Carbon Model Software (TR61) Training

This course provides hands-on experience of the capability and features of WRc’s TR61 software, which collates cost and carbon estimating models for the construction, renovation and operation of water treatment and infrastructure assets, delivered by its developer and trainer, engineer David Sivil.

Duration: 1 day

Delivery: In-person

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EN13508 CCTV Sewer Inspection Training Course

Delivered by leading wastewater specialist and experienced trainer, this course provides delegates with an extensive understanding of the use of European code EN13508 in commissioning sewer CCTV inspection surveys and asset condition assessments, supporting rehabilitation programs.

Duration: 3 days

Delivery: In-person

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Ensuring Recycled Water Quality

Developed by a water recycling and reuse specialist, this course provides water industry starters and operational staff with the knowledge to ensure the safe end-use of reclaimed water: its applications, processes, and regulations, as well as customer and environmental risks and mitigations.

Duration: 3 days

Delivery: In-person or Online (live)

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Grease Management Training for FSE Staff

Developed by a technical specialist in sewer operations, this course enables food service management staff to understand problems caused by Fat, Oil & Grease (FOG) disposed to sewer systems, and its effective management including kitchen practice, appropriate devices and their maintenance.

Duration: 3 hours

Delivery: In-person or Online (live)

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Introduction to Sewerage Networks

During this course, delegates will be equipped with the essential knowledge of sewerage networks, including the objectives and performance requirements of urban drainage assets; risks that are managed in the network; and how materials used impacts safety and performance.

Duration: 1 day

Delivery: In-person or Online (live)

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Introduction to Wastewater Metering - Drain to River

Delivered by flow and metering specialist Andy Godley, this course provides meter (and meter data) users with a fundamental understanding of wastewater meter technology, selection, installation, verification, regulations, and how to improve the collection of flow data from drain to river.

Duration: 1 day

Delivery: In-person

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Microbiology for Wastewater Professionals

This course offers wastewater industry professionals a comprehensive understanding of microbial-based treatment processes in wastewater quality management; microbial ecology and the environmental and public health risks of sewage contamination, and innovations such as recycled water and bio-fuel.

Duration: 3 half-days*

Delivery: Online (live)*

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MSCC5 CCTV Sewer Inspection Course

Delivered by leading wastewater specialist and author of WRc's Manual of Sewer Condition Classification 5th Edition (MSCC5), this course provides delegates with extensive understanding of commissioning sewer CCTV inspection surveys and asset condition assessments, supporting rehabilitation programs.

Duration: 3 days

Delivery: In-person

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Pipeline Assessment Certification Programme (PACP)

This programme equips learners to be able to identify, document and categorise defects in pipelines, laterals and manholes across sewer, stormwater, and other systems. The certification is suitable for utilities providers within regions which use the NASSCO Specification for condition assessment.

Duration: 3 days

Delivery: In-person or Online (live)

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Professional Drainage Assessor Training Course

Based on WRc's Drain Repair Book, this course develops learners' understanding of drains and sewer design, ownership and inspection methods, as well as their skills in commissioning surveys and repairs, to ensure work is appropriate, cost-effective and of high quality.

Duration: 1 day

Delivery: In-person

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STOAT WwTW Modelling Software Training

Led by STOAT software developer Jeremy Dudley, this exercise-based training enables wastewater treatment process professionals to develop the required skills and knowledge to effectively use STOAT modelling freeware for sewage plant design, assessment and optimisation.

Duration: 3 days

Delivery: In-person or Online (live)

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SuDS & Hydrosystems Engineering Training

This course improves the technical working knowledge of experienced SuDS practitioners, equipping them with the skills to design or approve schemes that meet site requirements, are cost-effective, bring long-term local benefits, are resilient to extreme weather and adaptive to climate change.

Duration: 1 day (+ optional add-ons)

Delivery: In-person

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Understanding Impacts of Highway Drainage

This training course will equip highway drainage professionals with the knowledge and skills to reduce the impact of highway drainage on the sewer network and reduce flooding; promote better maintenance practices; and enhance overall infrastructure management through comprehensive training.

Duration: 2 days

Delivery: In-person

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Understanding Water Quality Impacts of Storm Overflows

Delivered by an urban drainage specialist, this course provides water and environmental professionals with the in-depth knowledge and skills for assessing the impacts of storm overflows - covering their infrastructure, policy, monitoring, investment programmes and innovations for improvement.

Duration: 2 days (* + optional add-ons)

Delivery: Online (live)*

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Urban Pollution Management (UPM) Course

Delivered by an environmental water quality specialist, this course provides practical experience and confidence in using UPM for implementing policy for permitting wet weather intermittent discharges from water company and other wastewater systems.

Duration: 1 or 2 days

Delivery: In-person or Online (self-paced)

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Use of Clamp-on Ultrasonic Flowmeters

Delivered by flow and metering specialist Andy Godley, this course provides users (and those directing use) of clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeters with a practical demonstration and detailed exploration of their operation, applications, performance and limitations for effective water flow measurement.

Duration: 1 day

Delivery: In-person

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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