Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Advancing Recycled Water Management Schemes

Duration: 3 days

Delivery: In-person or Online (live)

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Course details

This training course provides water industry scientists, engineers and managers with the knowledge of reclaimed water schemes to ensure safe and strategic end-use - how to plan, evaluate and assess successful and compliant schemes; and how to effectively use data and treatment innovations.

Duration: 3 days

Delivery: In-person or Online (live)

Dr Kiran Tota-Maharaj

Kiran is a leading expert in the fields of environmental engineering, renewable energy systems and water resources management. His work, both in consultancy and academia. has been instrumental in advancing the understanding of urban/sub-urban water systems, sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), Nature-Based solutions (NbS) and blue/green-infrastructure.

Course overview

This training covers advanced management practices used for schemes to reuse/recycle treated water, while ensuring quality and safety of the product supplied to end-users. Upon course completion, delegates will be able to:

  • Use a methodical approach to strategically plan for wastewater recycling and reuse projects, including the development of a Recycled Water Safety Plan.
  • Explain what water quality factors need to be assessed according to recycled water guidelines, the methods for sampling and analysis, and the use of ecoinformatics in this context.
  • Describe regulations for irrigation and agricultural use of recycled water and recognise innovations in Advanced Treatment.

    Who can benefit?

    Delegates may include those developing or managing recycled water schemes. Participants may also be drawn from any area of business or service where the management of reused water influences their decision making. For example, water treatment scientists, engineers, water resource planners, consultants and regulatory officers.

    Attendees will have either an existing fundamental knowledge of recycled water schemes, or will have attended the preceding course: Ensuring Recycled Water Quality.

    Training outline

    The course is interactive, with a mix of lecture, group discussion, and exercises to facilitate an engaging learner experience. An end-of course multiple choice assessment effectively demonstrates knowledge transfer.

    • Strategic Planning: Using a methodical approach to develop a strategy, identify available technical options, engage with stakeholders and review the progression of a reuse project.
    • Recycled Water Safety Plan: Following frameworks and best practice in the risk assessment and auditing of a recycled water scheme.
    • Recycled Water Quality Evaluation and Assessment: Establishing potential end-users, and following guidelines and international best practice for water quality sampling and analysis.
    • Extended Usage of Recycled Water Quality: Understanding the importance of using data analytics and ecoinformatics in the collection, monitoring and management of water quality data in a reuse context.
    • Regulation for Irrigation Water Resources: Following international best practices in the use of secondary effluent for irrigation and agriculture, including groundwater / aquifer recharge.
    • Looking forward - Innovation in Advanced Treatment: Recognising options for treating water for reuse, involving membrane technologies, nature-based solutions, and advanced oxidation processes.

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        Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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