Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

CCTV Sewer Inspection Awareness Training

Duration: 1 day

Delivery: In-person

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Course details

Delivered by a leading wastewater specialist and experienced trainer, this course develops learners' knowledge of sewer deterioration and use of CCTV condition surveys in sewer rehabilitation planning, as well as the manuals used to identify and code faults in drains and sewers.

Duration: 1 day

Delivery: In-person

Peter Henley

Peter is a recognised industry professional in wastewater infrastructure with a particular focus on sewer operations, condition assessment and rising main operation. He has worked on sewer operational best practice guides and leads delivery of technical training in sewer condition classification, drain investigation and drain repair both in the UK and internationally. Peter is a CCTV specialist, and a CCTV technical champion within WRc.

Course overview

This programme is designed to provide staff with an awareness of the need for sewer CCTV inspection and drain repairs to improve their knowledge of wastewater network maintenance. Upon completion, delegates will be able to understand:

  • how sewers fail, and the typical observed defects associated with these failures;
  • how the sewer condition classification coding structure is applied and condition grades are calculated; and
  • how CCTV survey reports and CCTV data are interpreted to make more efficient wastewater maintenance decisions.

Who can benefit?

Delegates may include those needing to develop their understanding of sewer deterioration and the use of CCTV condition surveys in sewer rehabilitation planning to support their current role or future career. For example, wastewater engineers; strategy managers, sewer rehabilitation managers, regulators and early-career sewer CCTV operators. 

Training outline

  • Overview of Condition Categorisation - Outlining the concept of sewer risk management and the role of sewer condition classification in this process.
  • CCTV Coding Structure - Explanation of the sewer condition classification system and its constituent elements.
  • CCTV Header Information - Explanation of the required aspects of the header information needed for sewer condition classification surveys.
  • Reporting Requirements - Explanation of the required aspects of the feature reporting information needed for sewer condition classification surveys.
  • Explanation of Codes used - Structural Codes; Operational and Maintenance; Construction Feature; Miscellaneous; and Brick Sewer Codes used in sewer condition classification surveys, includes examples of each code.
  • CCTV Interpretation Exercise - Practical interactive session led by the instructor in how and when the sewer condition classification codes should be applied. Use of video and still images to demonstrate the correct use of codes.

The course forms part of WRc’s extensive 3-day CCTV Sewer Inspection course targeted to sewer CCTV contractors and other delegates based in regions using the UK coding system (MSCC) or the European system (EN13508). To find out more about these courses, contact us via the form at the end of this page.

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The course will support consistency and development which will then relate to reducing business risk on high grade defects within our sewer network, but also enable us to be less risk averse and therefore ensure money is spent where needed.

Katy Bevan
United Utilities

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Learn from the source

This training course is based on best practice guidance published by WRc and used globally by water companies, regulatory industries and other organisations:

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Related training courses

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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