Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Introduction to Clean Water Metering - Source to Tap

Duration: 1 or 1.5 days

Delivery: In-person

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Course details

Delivered by flow and metering specialist, Andy Godley, this course provides meter (and meter data) users with increased understanding of water meter technology, regulations, applications, and how to improve the collection of water flow data from source to tap.

Duration: 1 or 1.5 days

Delivery: In-person

Andy Godley

Andy is WRc’s Principal Consultant for Flow Measurement and Metering. He has a strong engineering background, spending over 30 years’ specialising in flow measurement and metering, across clean and wastewater applications. Andy has developed and presented training courses for regulators and water companies alongside sitting on several UK, European and International Standards committees for electromagnetic and ultrasonic flowmeters.

Course overview

This course is designed to increase understanding of water meter technology and how to improve the collection of water flow data from source to tap. It will demonstrate:

  • What causes poor quality flow data
  • Different flow applications in the clean water sector from source to tap
  • How the selection and installation of meters can impact on flow data

Who can benefit?

Delegates may include those needing to develop their understanding of meters and their technologies, meter data, regulations, and flow applications. Participants may also be drawn from any area of business or service where these aspects of metering impacts on their decision making. 

Training outline

  • General principles of flow and metering
  • Different types of metering technology used in clean water metering, how they work, where different types of meters are used and why
  • What goes wrong
  • Good practice for meter selection
  • Good practice for meter installation
  • Legislation and regulation
  • Meter reading and AMR
  • Meter testing and verification

Depending on delivery location, we use examples of real meters to demonstrate and explain working principles. Training is in 4 modules: general principles; source and strategic metering; network metering; and revenue metering.

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This course was very informative and provided me with an insights into aspects of metering and principles I hadn’t previously appreciated. Very good two days’ education.

Course Delegate - 'Intro to Clean Water Metering - Source to Tap'
Northern Ireland Water

The detailed explanation of each meter type and their applications was very useful. Actual meters were available for us to visually inspect. This was useful as I had not seen some of them before.

Course Delegate - 'Intro to Clean Water Metering - Source to Tap'
Severn Trent Water

Really enjoyed the course and can see improvements in process on the back of it. Great explanation of the various meter types and the importance of right sizing the meters. Training was at a good pace and allowed for a lot of time for discussions on head loss and impacts of oversizing meters along with the on-the-ground issues with accessing mechanical meters.

Ian Conlon (Course Delegate - 'Meter Awareness/Refresher Training')
Uisce Éireann (Irish Water)

Andy was brilliant. Presented everything in a simple and knowledgeable way which was good for my fundamental knowledge. I feel I'm better equipped now and feel confident enough to get involved in more projects.

Jujhaar Singh (Course Delegate - 'Meter Awareness/Refresher Training')
Uisce Éireann (Irish Water)

Presentation was very engaging and the trainer had great communication backed up with a wealth of knowledge.

Trevor Cahill (Course Delegate - 'Meter Awareness/Refresher Training')
Uisce Éireann (Irish Water)

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

WRc's wider metering capabilities

This training course pools together our knowledge from decades of flow and metering consultancy services. 

As the largest metering test house in the UK, WRc have expertise in the management of leakage; technology review and forensic investigation of meters; the application of smart sensors; and benefit/risk modelling.

Find out more

Related training courses

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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