Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Understanding Water Quality Impacts of Storm Overflows

Duration: 2 days (* + optional add-ons)

Delivery: Online (live)*

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Course details

Delivered by an urban drainage specialist, this course provides water and environmental professionals with the in-depth knowledge and skills for assessing the impacts of storm overflows - covering their infrastructure, policy, monitoring, investment programmes and innovations for improvement.

Duration: 2 days (* + optional add-ons)

Delivery: Online (live)*

Amy Jones (PhD)

Amy is a Chartered Water and Environmental Manager (CIWEM) and Senior Consultant with over 10 years’ experience in the water sector. She works on drainage planning projects across the UK water sector, using hydraulic models, GIS and other datasets to identify suitable sites for Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).

Course overview

Recognising the impact that storm overflows can have on water quality requires a design perspective on wastewater network operation alongside a dive into past and current policy requirements. Through this course, delegates will gain the critical knowledge and skills to understand how storm overflows are monitored and improved - accompanied by case studies of water quality investigations and the latest innovative management solutions from across the UK. 

For whole teams looking for more comprehensive training programme in this area, we can offer an optional in-person group practical session (1 day), and/or add-on courses covering aspects of water quality legislation and analysis (1-2 days) - please see below for more information.

    Who can benefit?

    Delegates may include those involved in storm water overflow planning and scheme design. For example, water quality and network modellers; hydraulic engineers and wastewater asset managers, as well as those working on Drainage and Wastewater Management Plans.

    Participants may also be drawn from any area of business or service where impacts of storm overflows affect their decision making. For example, water companies, regulators, consultants, wastewater network managers and environment officers.

    Attendees to the course (core modules) will have some understanding of water quality investigations from their own experience or previous attendance on our course(s): Foundations of Water Quality and the Environment; Urban Pollution Management.

    Training outline

    This live online course is interactive, with a mix of lecture, group discussion, and exercises to facilitate an engaging learner experience. Core modules (delivered over 2 days' learning) cover:

    • Introduction and history of storm overflows: Provides an overview on storm overflow purpose, and industry focus in recent years.
    • Legislation and policy: With particular emphasis on newer legislation and policy related to storm overflows (Defra’s Storm Overflow Discharge Reduction Plan, Environment Act, Storm Overflow Assessment Framework and its updates) as well as specific details around storm overflow permitting (Formula A etc.). UK-wide examples illustrate the different approaches being taken.
    • Monitoring the impacts of storm overflows: Explores the new requirements for continuous in-river water quality monitoring under the Environment Act, and discusses the use of Event Duration Monitoring (EDM) data and other datasets that exist to understand storm overflow impact.
    • Reducing the impacts of storm overflows: Familiarises learners with infrastructure design guidance and standards for managing storm overflows. Analyses innovations in management solutions (such as smart sewers, wetlands, storage, and SuDS) and the benefits of water company investment programmes (e.g. Water Industry National Environment Programme; WINEP). 

    For practitioners, an optional 1-day in-person practical session provides a hands-on group session to carry out statistical analysis of an example overflow using water quality investigation data.

    WRc offers complimentary courses covering aspects of water quality legislation and water quality analysis. These can be taken separately, or provided during this training as add-on courses (1 day each): Foundations of Water Quality and the EnvironmentUrban Pollution Management.

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      Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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