Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Urban Pollution Management (UPM) Course

Duration: 1 or 2 days

Delivery: In-person or Online (self-paced)

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Course details

Delivered by an environmental water quality specialist, this course provides practical experience and confidence in using UPM for implementing policy for permitting wet weather intermittent discharges from water company and other wastewater systems.

Duration: 1 or 2 days

Delivery: In-person or Online (self-paced)

Donna Murray

Donna is a C.WEM and C.Sci with over 20 years' experience in river and estuary modelling work. As a Water Quality Modeller and Trainer within the Catchment Management team at WRc, Donna has provided training courses on Water Quality Science, Modelling and RQP / MPER software, Water Resources and the Urban Pollution Management (UPM) procedure.

Course overview

This Urban Pollution Management (UPM) course provides an introduction to the UPM procedure, its regulatory background and an overview of the steps undertaken in UPM studies. An explanation of the wet weather modelling approaches used is discussed, and assessment against the wet weather standards is illustrated with a range of recent examples from the UK. This gives staff the confidence to scope, undertake and review UPM studies.

As an initial developer of UPM best practice in the 1990s and author of the UKWIR's Guide to Modelling Intermittent Discharges (2014), WRc is an industry leader with a strong track record in providing these, and related, courses to government bodies, regulators and water companies.

    Who can benefit?

    Delegates include those involved in storm water overflow planning and scheme design. For example, water quality and network modellers; hydraulic engineers and wastewater asset managers, as well as those working on Drainage and Wastewater Management Plans.

    Participants may be drawn from any area of business or service where policy for permitting wet weather intermittent discharges impacts on their decision making. 

    Training outline

    The course module structure is mapped to the UPM procedure:

    • Overview of the UPM procedure
    • Wet weather standards
    • Design of UPM studies
    • Data collection
    • UPM modelling tools
    • Assessing performance of sewer assets
    • Post-UPM procedures
    • Practical experience in using UPM
    • Storm Overflow Assessment Framework (SOAF) (considering the Environment Agency’s (EA’s) latest guidance for investigating storm overflows discharging to inland waters)

    Course length (1 or 2 days) can be tailored to teams' roles and requirements. For example, previous delivery has comprised of an overview of content applicable to management and decision-makers in Day 1; while Day 2 covered in-depth technical application of the UPM procedure and associated legislation. To ask us how we can tailor this course to your requirements, please get in touch.

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      Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

      More about our UPM consultancy services

      WRc provides specialist knowledge and the development of modelling tools relied upon by water companies to help plan and target future investment.

      We can help you quantify the frequency and duration of spills, spill volume, and pollutant concentration of storm overflows. Our consultancy ensures time-effective, cost-effective compliance with UPM environmental standards.

      Find out more

      Related training courses

      Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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      To help us with your enquiry, please let us know as much detail as possible, for example your preferred delivery format (in-person or live online) and whether you are enquiring as an individual or a team.

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