Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Understanding Water Quality Statistics (Excel)

Duration: 2 days

Delivery: Online (live)

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Course details

Delivered by a seasoned statistics specialist and lecturer, and drawing on expertise from WRc water quality scientists and modellers, this course uses hands-on exercises to introduce key concepts and statistical methods used to visualise, interpret, analyse, and evaluate water quality data.

Duration: 2 days

Delivery: Online (live)

Paul Cowpertwait

Paul is a Principal Statistician at WRc, drawing on 25 years' experience as a lecturer and then associate professor in statistics. His consultancy experience has utilised these skills across a wide range of hydrological applications such as: asset management, leakage studies, rainfall time series, river flow modelling, and urban drainage studies.

Course overview

This programme provides an introduction to key concepts, showing how statistical methods can be used to answer questions that arise in the context of water quality. Learners can expect to: 

  • gain valuable experience using graphics and plots to visualise concepts;
  • receive demonstrations in Microsoft Excel to illustrate statistical methods; and
  • participate in interactive exercises to provide hands-on experience with applying data analysis in water quality.

Delegates' understanding is enhanced by learning from a vast knowledge pool; the course is primarily delivered by a statistics specialist, alongside additional WRc trainers who bring their expertise in water quality modelling and compliance. 

    Who can benefit?

    Delegates may include professionals working in water quality, as well as others looking to expand their knowledge of statistical methods in relation to the water industry. Relevant fields include monitoring, sampling, reporting, planning, compliance or permitting. Examples of specific roles could be, but are not limited to, water quality planners and modellers, catchment managers, water quality scientists, data analysts, regulatory compliance managers, and permitting officers.

    Participants may also be drawn from any area of business or service where improving skills in statistics and data analysis is important for supporting their career development.

    Training outline

    This course is split over four chapters: basic statistical concepts; statistical interference; regression and time series, and; compliance and assessment. Upon completion, attendees will be able to:

    • Consider the statistical aspects in the design of water quality monitoring programmes
    • Calculate and interpret statistics that summarise data and the relationship between variables
    • Use statistics to better understand and quantify risk
    • Quantify the degree of uncertainty in results
    • Analyse data for seasonal and long-term trends
    • Deal with common data quality issues

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        Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

        WRc's water quality assessment, monitoring and modelling services

        From rainfall modelling to micropollutant removal, our highly skilled scientists, toxicologists, hydrologists and data scientists provide a range of water quality series for suppliers, dischargers and regulators in a variety of needs.

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        Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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