Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Camstopper® Pro-range Stopper

Norham PT/498/0322
Expires 02/03/2027


To assess the Camstoppper Pro range of drain stoppers, as manufactured by NORHAM (France) and assembled by NORHAM Plastics Ltd (UK) for the temporary stopping of flows from the end of domestic drains and small adoptable sewers made of clay or plastic in sizes between 200mm and 520mm.

Product Description

The Camstopper® Pro comprises an aluminium base and top plate, a steel rotary lever and ‘T’ bar, with a polyamide anti friction washer between the base plate and the lever. An EDPM rubber seal is fitted between the periphery of the base and top plate. 

The Camstopper® Pro is placed within the host pipe. The lever arm is rotated, compressing the EPDM seal between the base plate and the top plate, expanding the permitter to create a seal within the pipe. The ‘T’ bar prevents the stopper from moving out of vertical alignment.

Full details can be found in the Assessment Schedule.

Click here to enlarge certificate. 

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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