Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

StormBrake Vortex Flow Control Device

FP McCann PT/497/0222
Expires 14/02/2027


This schedule specifies requirements for the StormBrakeTM vortex flow control system as supplied by FP McCann Limited. It is applicable to surface water applications with design flows from 3l/s up to 40 l/s, with a hydrostatic head of range of 0.4m to 2.0m.

Product Description

The system is designed to control the rate of discharge of surface water from attenuation tanks or other storage. The flow rate is achieved by creating a vortex in the outlet once a defined head of water is reached.

The system is designed for a given location based upon allowable discharge, pipe sizing and water level. The system is fabricated entirely from stainless steel other than the backing plate and door seals.

The system is typically fitted in an independent chamber in-situ. The device can also be installed in-situ inside an attenuation system when required.

Full details can be found in the Assessment Schedule.

Click here to enlarge certificate.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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