Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

WRc Portfolio

Innovation through collaboration

What is Portfolio?

Portfolio is our collaborative research programme. It allows companies to jointly fund research focused on specific needs in the industry. Project ideas are proposed by experts within WRc, based on contact with our clients across the water and waste industries. 

WRc Portfolio epitomises our unique position as innovation leaders in the water, waste and environmental industries, delivering innovation through collaboration and technical excellence. 

The programme delivers research focused on shared needs that relate to specific problems and issues faced by our clients on a daily basis. These concerns can relate to operational problems, regulatory issues or preparation for future challenges. They are identified and developed through open consultation and feedback and are delivered in co-operation with client groups. 

Our Portfolio process is dynamic and flexible, which is one of the reasons it’s been running successfully for over 20 years. The Portfolio programme is really quite special - projects can range in size from £30k to £1M+, from three months to three years in length - but the ethos of sharing insight, working together and moving the industry forward is common across every project.

Be part of the journey

Supportive, collaborative and insightful from the start, our team of scientists, engineers and project managers accompany you on a journey. 

A journey with sufficient flex in the itinerary to enable new solutions to be explored

Solutions that, with our support, become a part of your normal business processes: reducing carbon, increasing efficiency, and contributing to a more sustainable future.

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Safe, efficient and high standards of service for customers and colleagues

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Odour Management User Group

One of a series of successful user groups run by WRc Portfolio, this ongoing project facilitates discussion between specialist treatment professionals to encourage improvement in all aspects of odour management.

Find out more

Interested in learning more?

Our Client Outreach Manager would be delighted to share our WRc Portfolio Collection 2024 with you. 

Request the 2024 Collection now
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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Your details will be stored within our CRM to allow us to handle your enquiry. We'd love to keep in touch and send you our newsletters and other notifications we think may be of interest to you. Please let us know if we have your permission for this.
