Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

RAPID: Pesticides Risk Assessment Online Database

WRc's collaborative research project RAPID (Risk Assessment: Pesticide Information Database) was developed to provide an accessible one-stop-shop information resource for understanding pesticide risks to drinking water quality.

The project's output is now offered as a subscription service for those across the industry looking for a comprehensive way to manage pesticide problems at source.

Get RAPID on subscription


strategic and tactical decisions regarding monitoring strategies, risk assessment, catchment investigations and treatment optimisation


proactive protection of raw water sources through early detection and management of emerging risks, as well as water company collaboration to re-define best practice


a source of authoritative information for a range of responses, from operational incidents and public enquiries through to industry developments altering pesticide risk.

The need for confident pesticide risk management

Pesticides pose a widespread risk to water quality in Drinking Water Protected Areas. Water companies have been (1) challenged to take a more proactive approach to managing pesticide problems at source, and (2) given greater flexibility and responsibility for monitoring and risk assessment. 

Until recently, there was no centralised repository of information with which to assess pesticide risks to drinking water. Approaches to pesticide risk screening were therefore often informal and sometimes yielded contradictory results, which can undermine regulatory confidence.

Our one-stop-shop online solution: RAPID

In response to addressed challenges, WRc instigated a collaborative research project co-funded by ten UK water companies, to develop a new online system that provides an accessible one-stop-shop information resource for understanding pesticide risks to drinking water quality.

Scores and ranks the relative exposure risk to surface water and groundwater qualities for 276 active substances.

Identifies and prioritises risks by crop, chemical type and season.

Provides detailed factsheets for high risk actives covering: usage patterns, sources and pathways, analytical methods for detection in water, and treatability.

Consolidates EU and UK data on pesticide properties, approvals and usage.

Includes a searchable news archive describing recent developments in science, technology, agriculture, policy and regulation.

Developed by experts

The project team has a unique combination of practical experience, underpinned by science-based data, with breadth and depth of expertise spanning the entire environmental sector.

User-friendly experience

Providing a one-stop information resource, the updated platform features an enhanced user interface for improved usability, time-saving and productivity.

Cost-effective method

The data and scoring methods are in plain sight so the user can make risk-based decisions without processing costly multiple data sources.

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Helping solve problems with technical expertise and innovative solutions

Whether you are a multi-national corporate, a regulated utility company, a government department, a contractor or an independent technology developer or supplier our team will work with you to deliver exceptional service and create valued solutions for your needs. 

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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