a software solution that provided the client with cost-benefit ratios for potential phosphorus permits at over 70 wastewater treatment works
WRc combines catchment modelling of phosphorus with cost-benefit analysis to inform PR19 investment planning and ensuring environmental compliance for a water utility client.
More on how we target water pollution at its sourcea software solution that provided the client with cost-benefit ratios for potential phosphorus permits at over 70 wastewater treatment works
use of software with the facility to update costs with new information, allowing the client to undertake future economic analysis
a more targeted PR19 programme to achieve phosphorus compliance by meeting Water Framework Directive targets, where it was deemed feasible
In 2017, a water utility commissioned WRc to assess the water quality benefits and associated wastewater treatment costs of implementing more stringent phosphorus wastewater treatment works permit limits to meet Water Framework Directive targets in the south of England. The aim was to assess the costs and benefits for a range of permitting scenarios, to identify a cost beneficial programme of investments.
Forecasts of river quality enhancement were produced by running SIMCAT models in several different permit setting scenario modes. These included a best feasible effluent quality scenario, to reflect the practicable limits of treatment performance. One scenario also included feasible (e.g. 10%) reductions in diffuse agricultural phosphorus loadings, and identified opportunities to partially offset permit tightening by targeting agricultural inputs.
WRc used the scenario modelling to produce a Cost-Benefit Analysis software solution that enabled the client to assess the likely impacts of potential PR19 phosphorus limits at over 70 wastewater treatment works. The solution took the outputs from the catchment modelling – expressed as permit limits for four scenarios and the associated kilometres of river with improved phosphorus status – and combined them with forecasts of the wastewater treatment works CAPEX and OPEX associated with each permit limit. The water quality benefits of phosphorus enhancement were monetised in line with the Environment Agency’s Water Appraisal Guidance for valuing environmental and social impacts, and divided by the forecast treatment costs to estimate a benefit-to-cost ratio for each wastewater treatment works.
a software solution that provided the client with cost-benefit ratios for potential phosphorus permits at over 70 wastewater treatment works
use of software with the facility to update costs with new information, allowing the client to undertake future economic analysis
a more targeted PR19 programme to achieve phosphorus compliance by meeting Water Framework Directive targets, where it was deemed feasible