Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

FOG training developed for WaSC Environmental Compliance staff

WRc helped a UK WaSC reduce sewer blockages, delivered by efficient knowledge transfer on food establishment waste disposal practices.

More on our sewage pollution prevention services


an effective, targeted FOG training programme


cost-effective and resource-appropriate advice


initial aims by developing an industry-wide package

UK Water and Sewerage Company

Water and wastewater services are provided by multiple different WaSCs operating across different regions of the UK, each providing services for up to 15 million customers each.

WaSCs are regulated by government authorities to ensure environmental compliance within their infrastructure assets.

Services used:

The Challenge

WRc was tasked by a UK Water and Sewerage Company (WaSC) to provide their enlarged Environmental Compliance (EC) team of 14 staff with technical instruction and training. Their aim was to improve engagement with smaller food service establishments (FSEs) and to offer unprejudiced advice regarding their fats, oils and grease (FOG) management. The EC team had been previously providing basic guidance to FSEs; the WaSC required further technical detail to improve their service provision in this key area.

The Solution

A training plan supplied detailed advice in key technical areas such as legislation, survey methods, FOG separation devices, decision processes, management systems, and FSE staff training. The training package also included a technology and supplier evaluation to ensure that any advice given by the EC team to the FSE was appropriate and provided value for money.

Benefits of this training package, based on EC field staff guiding more effective and targeted engagement with FSE’s, was developed to reduce the number of sewer blockages caused by FOG. The programme has since been enhanced by WRc to provide an industry-wide training package suitable to similar EC teams; a committed, collaborative effort to minimise environmental pollution via FOG reduction. The training provision combines the decade of experience within WRc in identifying the causes of FOG blockages with detailed research into the effectiveness of grease management and dosing systems.

Unprejudiced knowledge sharing 
Targeting avenues to reduce environmental pollution
Achievement through industry-wide collaboration


an effective, targeted FOG training programme


cost-effective and resource-appropriate advice


initial aims by developing an industry-wide package

Turn around was quick and the course provided is what we needed to fill a gap in our knowledge.

WaSC Innovation Wastewater Networks Manager

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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