Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Network Analysis Tool developed for water company wide data analysis

Our team built a tool for Severn Trent Water to better understand company wide network risk and resilience.

More on our Network Analysis services


better understanding of the client's operational risk and resilience across a water network using performance, hydraulic and asset data


clear, accessible data analysis and accompanying detailed methodology that would provide the framework for successful future database maintenance


company wide processes outside of the modelling team, to better apply a sustainable and customer focused approach to water network strategy

Severn Trent Water

Globally one of the largest privately owned water companies, Severn Trent PLC delivers clean water to 8 million customers via 534 service reservoirs, 20 treatment works and 45,674km of water mains.

The Challenge

The client sought to build a network analysis tool that utilised the Company’s corporate data and hydraulic models to provide a companywide analysis of network risk and resilience.

Network Analysis was developed to manage the entire water Company’s data sets in one place. In doing so a better understanding of operational risk can be achieved across a water network using Company performance, hydraulic and asset data. The data needs to be regularly updated to ensure the performance and risk picture is current.

The Solution

The Network Analysis tool developed by the WRc team enables multiple sources of Company corporate data to be viewed and cleansed within the client's GIS software. Consistent data analysis and professional engineering judgement was fundamental to the success of the services provided. The team provided not only clear and accessible data analysis, but an accompanying detailed methodology that would provide the framework for successful future database maintenance.

Outputs were developed in order to improve network knowledge, resilience and process efficiency, including:

  • Assessment of supply resilience and immediate and secondary impacts on the operational region from source to tap.
  • Mains renewal delivery for AMP 5.
  • Delivery of a comparison report to guide easy targeting of model investment.
  • Investigation of ways that Network Analysis can assist in delivering water quality improvements and investment guidance.
  • Engagement to deliver a trunk mains conditioning project.
  • Golden Hour incident management support tools.
  • Prediction of, and adoption of defined, predicting property impacts following interruptions and the mitigation (rezone) options available to network operators.
  • Identification of individual customer pressure ranges.
  • Leakage and burst reduction analysis - establishing every customer’s hydraulic source and proximity to frequent areas of leakage.
  • Proposed optimum targets of network operation.
  • Burst location analysis and prediction using Water and Network Distribution Analytics (WANDA) software functionality.

The Network Analysis platform grew as the project developed, but this facilitated a customer focused approach to network analysis that provided the client with the knowledge to make informed decisions about the water network. The platform, whilst being initially developed for the modelling team, has become beneficial to several areas within the business, including but not limited to: modelling and 'live modelling', pipe renewal, incident management, and network resilience strategy.

Whole-network visualisation

Delivered the ability to view the burst performance across the whole distribution network and objectively compare every isolation’s burst performance.

Detailed performance insight

Enabled the understanding of isolation configurations allowing the analysis of network performance at a valve to valve isolation level.

Cost effective work packages

Analysed burst clusters to recognise the performance of other local mains, which was essential in producing cost effective work packages.


better understanding of the client's operational risk and resilience across a water network using performance, hydraulic and asset data


clear, accessible data analysis and accompanying detailed methodology that would provide the framework for successful future database maintenance


company wide processes outside of the modelling team, to better apply a sustainable and customer focused approach to water network strategy

Severn Trent’s understanding of both its local and strategic resilience has enabled investment to be more accurately targeted at areas of maximum benefit. Network Analysis provides a clear picture of cause and effect of asset failure and helps staff to understand what options it may have to mitigate customer impact.

Rob Murrell, Network Modelling Manager – Water Infrastructure
Severn Trent Water

With a loss of pressure across the DMA but no report of a burst, we used our Network Analysis Tool to replicate the conditions we could see on our alarms. The data we got back directed out DST's to the likely area the burst would be. Sure enough, the burst was within the area predicted. A great example of how Network Analysis is helping us diagnose and get the source of an event.

Network Controller
Severn Trent Water

Related case studies

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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