Open Channel Flume

10 meter open channel flume with highly controllable water depths and speeds for your unique testing requirements.

Andy Godley is the expert at our Evaluation & Testing Facilities

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The WRc flume offers a unique facility for testing equipment and instrumentation in an open channel environment. The flume offers a long working section of channel (over 10m), ensuring flow is fully developed in the test section. Inserts can be installed if a different type of channel is required or in order to purposely disturb the flow.

Flow within the flume can be varied in one of three ways: using the variable speed drive on the pump; using the tilt function (positive and negative gradients); or using the variable weir at the downstream end of the flume.

In addition to highly controllable water depths and speeds, the flume supply tank incorporates a heat exchanger loop, enabling the temperature of the water to be heated or cooled as required. The flow rate is monitored with a calibrated electromagnetic flow meter. Water temperature and depth are also recorded on the dedicated logging system. Glass sides enable flow disturbance effects to be observed visually.

Technical details:

  • Flow rates of up to 50 l/s
  • Working length of 10m, maximum water height of 0.3m, 0.3m channel width
  • Positive and negative gradients possible
  • Variable plate weir
  • Traceable logging functionality, including temperature and flow instrumentation
  • Temperature variable 1-30°c

Hire and support:

Charges for use of these facilities is dependent on requirements of use. Please use the contact form at the bottom of this page to discuss with us the best way we can help you.

Recent examples of use:

  • MCERTS laboratory testing for various equipment manufacturers.
  • Used by a manufacturer to demonstrate their technology to potential clients.

Related services

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
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Andy Godley

Principal Consultant (Flow Measurement & Metering)

Andy's expertise covers all technologies of flow measurement (both open channel and closed pipe) across clean and wastewater applications. He manages WRc's flow test facilities and has experience in designing and performing test and evaluation exercises against standards or client-specific requirements on meters and associated equipment, including verification and AMR (automatic meter reading) systems. Andy has also developed tools for assessing meter uncertainty, whole life costs of meters, meter right sizing and long term meter performance models. He has been closely involved with the Environment Agency’s MCERTS scheme for water monitoring.