Smart Water Solutions for Sustainable Hydrogen Production

In the face of increasing global water scarcity, particularly in arid regions, the challenge of balancing water use for green hydrogen production with essential human and ecological needs has never been more urgent.

With green hydrogen production requiring noticeable volumes of water, sustainable water management has become the cornerstone of a resilient hydrogen economy. This pressing challenge also offers an opportunity to innovate by reducing the impact of hydrogen production on freshwater resources, all while pursuing global energy and water sustainability objectives.

At WRc, we identify solutions that effectively and sustainably enhance water use efficiency for green hydrogen production. Our data-driven consultancy solutions optimise water availability, assess emerging technologies, and deliver sustainable, actionable outcomes for industries, policymakers, and communities.

Dr Abraham Negaresh is our expert in hydrogen services.

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Optimise water use for greener and more efficient hydrogen production.

Identify sustainable solutions for balancing industrial water use and ecosystem health.

Model and visualise outcomes with high-accuracy tools, from GIS-based analysis to real-time dashboards.

Accelerate innovation by aligning with the latest breakthroughs in water, science and technology.

Key Services:

  • Water Treatment Technology Evaluation
  • Water Resource Assessments
  • Sustainable & Strategic Planning

Water Treatment Technology Selection and Feasibility Assessment

The selection of technology for water treatment in the production of green hydrogen focuses on determining the most effective methods to supply the ultra-pure water necessary for optimal electrolyser function. Key factors in the evaluation include energy efficiency, cost considerations, scalability potential, and environmental impacts, all supported by relevant research and industry expertise.

Laboratory Testing and Verification - Water Treatment Technology

Selected technologies can be evaluated and validated through bench and pilot scale testing conducted in our facilities. This approach ensures that the water quality meets the stringent requirements for green hydrogen production while confirming the reliability and effectiveness of the selected technologies.

Water Resource Assessment

Secure and reliable water sources are important for sustainable hydrogen production. Water resource assessments can be used to assess the reliability and security of current and potential water sources, as well as the water resource risks, for a range of time horizons. Assessments can be performed on a variety of source types including desalination and water recycling.

Environmental Capacity (Water) Assessment

Assess environmental status in relation to water resources and water quality to identify environmental challenges and opportunities for sustainable hydrogen production in the context of the geographical area. This assessment includes water quality and wider environmental risks, resulting in the identification of strategies that effectively minimise environmental pressures while enabling a reliable and secure supply of water for hydrogen production.

Water Efficiency Analysis and Management Systems

Analyse water use and consumption to explore opportunities and challenges for water efficiency. Identify evidence of efficient water management, and develop a water efficiency strategy or establish a Water Efficiency Management System (WEMS). WEMS embed efficient water use into the organisation, can reduce water use and consumption and can contribute to increased productivity.

Numerical Modelling of Water Consumption

Use numerical models to explore and evaluate scenarios such as change in water sources, treatment technologies and impacts of future changes. Incorporate optimisation features to identify sustainable water source and treatment technology combinations

Cooling System Water Demand

In the context of green hydrogen production, it is essential to identify and implement an appropriate cooling system that supports sustainable operational practices and optimises the efficiency of the electrolysis process. This involves conducting a thorough assessment of the water requirements to ensure that the cooling system operates effectively

Incorporation of Environmental and Socio-economic Variables

Incorporating environmental and socio-economic variables is essential for ensuring efficient and sustainable operations. This involves assessing factors such as local climate conditions, water availability, and renewable energy potential to optimise resource utilisation. Additionally, socio-economic considerations, such as community impact, job creation, and alignment with regional development goals, play a critical role in promoting long-term project viability and stakeholder support.

Strategic Mitigation and Sustainability Planning

Develop strategies to mitigate water-related environmental and societal impacts, ensuring sustainable and resilient hydrogen production. Focus on effective planning to support long-term sustainability in green hydrogen projects.

Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCA)

Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to analyse the environmental and water resource impacts associated with hydrogen production processes. This comprehensive evaluation identifies potential sustainability challenges and opportunities for improvement throughout the production lifecycle.

Comprehensive Reporting & Delivery

Provide detailed reports, presentations and other forms of output delivery through transparent communication to promote collaborative and informed decisions.

An Innovation-Driven Approach with WRc Ventures:

Through the newly launched WRc Ventures, our applied research and technology programme, we are advancing innovations in hydrogen production and water resource management. WRc Ventures fosters collaboration to develop, pilot, and test new technologies while co-creating processes that meet both environmental and industry demands.

We are keenly interested in groundbreaking and sustainable innovations. This includes exploring next-generation electrolysers and electrolysis processes that boost hydrogen generation efficiency, developing advanced membranes for enhanced separation and purity, and leveraging AI/M algorithms designed to optimise water use and hydrogen production rates.

Explore Research & Technology partnership opportunities

Let’s Navigate the Hydrogen-Water Challenges Together

Hydrogen production and water management are at the forefront of global infrastructure challenges. Our research-led approach ensures sustainable solutions that balance environmental goals with operational needs. Whether you’re planning hydrogen projects or seeking innovative water strategies, we’ll partner with you to make it happen. Let’s shape the future - get in touch today.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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Dr Abraham Negaresh

Associate Director – Desalination and Reuse Lead

Abraham (CPEng) is a motivated process engineer with over fifteen years of experience in water production, engineering consulting and applied research. He has worked on various British and Australian municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment projects, and was the technical manager of the only desalination plant in the UK. His experience includes technical and maintenance management of a Desalination Plan, technical lead and manager of engineering projects, commissioning and operating various pilot plants and assisting with front-end engineering design of a water desalination facility. He has applied various innovative technologies such as membrane filtration, ion exchange and chemical precipitation for the treatment of water and wastewater, including recycling and reuse of industrial wastewater and RO Brine treatment.