WRc Waste Doctors raising funds for Reuse Network through their RWM24 Pledge Book

Published on: 11 Sep 2024

This year, WRc’s Waste Doctors are delighted to support the national charity Reuse Network through their annual Pledge Book campaign – a sustainable alternative to providing giveaways at this year’s ESS expo. For every signature in the Pledge Book, WRc will donate £1 to the Reuse Network, approximately the cost of providing each signatory with a non-sustainable giveaway.

Reuse Network is a charity and membership body that partners with hundreds of reuse charities across the UK. Together, they help alleviate poverty, reduce waste, and tackle climate change by diverting millions of usable household items from landfill into low-income households. This work saves hundreds of thousands of tonnes of carbon dioxide and creates valuable opportunities through volunteering, employment and training.

As well as raising money for Reuse Network, the Waste Doctors have visited the charity’s Bristol site to screen furniture using their hand-held screening kit. The visit was part of a wider evidence-based research programme on upholstered domestic seating. No furniture was harmed in the process!

Be sure to come along to stand EN-I11 (purple zone next to the EFD Keynote stage) and join us in supporting the Reuse Network. The more signatures we collect, the more we can contribute to the Reuse Network's great work. Every signature makes a difference!

And if you’d like to learn more about the charity’s work, head to the Environment Networking Hub where Craig Anderson, CEO Reuse Network, will be speaking at ‘Putting reuse at the heart of the circular economy’.

L to R: The WRc Waste Doctors: Jane Turrell, Kathy Lewin, Claudia Peppicelli; from Reuse Network: Hannah Jordan (Commercial Manager), Maryam Naqvi (Membership Officer), Ellis Roberts (Marketing Manager)

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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2024-09-11 11:36:00